Snips and snails and puppy dog tails

My boys are just that, all boy. Well, Ricky does play with a pink elephant and has been known to find interest in doll houses, but otherwise they are all boy. Although, there are the times that Ricky insists that he’s a cat, so maybe they are often all boy. Speaking of Ricky’s animal fetish, last night I had to cut his French Toast into bone shapes using a cookie cutter to get him to eat them. He is one funny kid.

He plays and plays and plays and then gets sleepy. This is Ricky being sleepy on the way to see Kevin for lunch. You can tell from his grin that he isn’t really sleeping, but it was cute anyway. I snapped it while stopped at a stop light.


Even though Ricky thinks he is a cat, he isn’t always nice to them. Grandmama’s cat Spot did this to Ricky’s face and it bled and bled. I don’t blame the cat though. From what Ricky tells us, he was sitting on her when it happened. It is fun that he can actually tell us what happened now. It turned a beautiful shade of yellow and with that and some monster mosquito bites, he was looking awfully abused.


We got to see Cousin Danny again on Sunday and Ricky just loves him. He will talk about him sometimes during the week, asking where he is and loves to see pictures of him.


Ricky knows what cameras are and loves taking pictures with a disposable one we have sitting around (who knows what the pictures will look like when we finally develop them). He also understands posing for the camera. Ricky set Max, Penny and himself up to say “cheese.” I had to take the picture.


Our days of being able to put Billy down and find him where we left him are over. Billy rolls! So far it is just from his back to his tummy, but it is the beginning. And, naturally, he gets stuck on his tummy and then gets really mad! Billy is a good eater and quite likes prunes and peas–two foods Ricky STILL turns his nose up at. Since Billy doesn’t care for a bottle, I am introducing him to sippy cups. As the water flows into his mouth, he gets a big grin and lets it all dribble out. It is a work in progress. He loves standing and this Exersaucer has been a blessing!


Finally, the count is now two. Billy’s second little tooth broke through this morning!
