What did he say?

“Scooby Duke” – Ricky enjoys the show Scooby Doo, even though each show is “scary” and the name is probably due to my mom’s dog named Duke (who passed away this summer).

“Follow, follow me” – This is what Ricky sings to you when he wants you to follow him (duh). Often it is followed by “Do as I’m doing.” The first time he said it to Kevin and Kevin tried to relay the story to me, he told me that Ricky sang “Come follow me” and I was dumbfounded at where Ricky would have learned that hymn. Then Kevin realized his error! 🙂

“Somethin’ else” – In an attempt to stop meltdowns when Ricky would not get his way, his father taught him this phrase. It works! When we ask Ricky if he’d like a glass of water and he doesn’t, he calmly says, “somethin’ else.” Unfortunately, during a recent bout with various illnesses, he tried using the phrase to get out of taking his medicine. Here is your medicine, Ricky. “No, somethin’ else! Somethin’ else!!”

“I love you” – He has never been one to just drop this phrase, but recently he has started to climb into my lap or Kevin’s lap or Grandmama’s lap and say, “I love you.” It just about melts your heart right on the spot!

“Uncle Suzy” – This one makes me laugh every time. I’m not sure that my sister appreciates it so much, but despite us constantly referring to her as Aunt Suzy, if you point to her and ask Ricky “who’s that?” he will reply “Uncle Suzy.” Hee hee!!

1 thought on “What did he say?

  1. Kevin

    A couple more:
    “I’m sooooo hungry!” or “I’m soooo thirsty!” – usually said completely out of the blue and takes me by surprise.
    “Talk to it, Poppy!” – he says this as he is handing me a toy and wants me to play with him. My job is to talk for the toy and entertain him. I’ve been trying to correct him, “Talk for it, Poppy”, we’ll see if it sticks.

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