And the caption reads . . .

This bean bag chair doesn’t stand a chance!  I’ve got the best body splash (not body slam, thank you, Uncle Dan) this side of the Hooper Slough!!

I’ve seen what his arm can do.  Put the car down softly, Billy.  Put the car down softly!

Think like a cat, think like a cat, think like a cat . . .

Everybody is envious of my drooling abilities.  No, really, they are!

Momma, was I supposed to get this stuff on my fingers?  Take it off, please!

This slide is so cool.  I am so cool in this hat.  Cool . . . c-o-o-l.

The “Spaghetti Facial.”  It is the in thing with all the babies!  The orange glow stays with you days!

Who created these things and why did my parents willingly put me in here?!

Okay, maybe a swing isn’t such a bad thing.  Maybe I’ll even giggle.

Look, Poppy!  I can push this cool wheelbarrow all by myself.  I’m so proud of me!

Oh, yeah?  Billy might be able to push it around, but he can’t run with it like me!!!

Look past the cute baby to see the ingenious method of playing tether ball developed right in our own back yard.  I believe the rules include throwing the ball as hard as you can and then ducking and walking under it.  Amazing!

What did you say?