
A recent addition to Billy’s vocabulary is his version of yes–“th-ure.”  Of course his ‘sure’ must be said in a low, smoker’s voice to be most effective.  “Billy, do you want to go outside?”  Th-ure.  “Billy, do you want milk?”  Th-ure.  “Billy, do you want to pick up the bathroom trash can and spread tissues and q-tips all over the house and then put the empty can on your head?”  No answer, because he’s already in the process.  “Trash” is another favorite word.  Billy loves to throw things into the trash can, be they trash or not, and he thinks there are great treasures to be found amongst the kitchen trash!

The faith of a child is a subject they often discuss at church with cute stories of little ones praying for things.  I’ve always thought the stories were cute, but usually forgot them shortly afterwards.  Today I got choked up over Ricky’s blessing on the food and I won’t forget it any time soon!  I like to think we are a somewhat spiritual family–I’ve met those who are much more and those who are much less.  We do pray together every night and attend church and a few other things in an effort to teach the boys about our beliefs, and, as a parent, we hope something is getting through.  Ricky’s meal blessings are usually verbatim and are often sung, so today when he was “thankful for the food” I expected the usual to follow.  Instead, he surprised me with “please bless me to get better and please bless me so I don’t have to be sick anymore.”  It is the first time I’ve heard him pray for himself and it was SOOOO sweet!  Ricky has an awful cough that is so bad he can’t keep much food down, plus he has a low-grade fever.  It’s going on a few days now and apparently he is sick of being sick!  He said our family prayer tonight and prayed for himself again, but he also prayed for something that’s “been in the garage a long, long time.”   That part was much more typical.