Big Words

Ricky loves words.  He wants to know what everything says and is reading books to himself almost constantly.  His preschool teacher’s only complaint is that during quiet reading time, he tells the stories out loud!   I am always amazed at things he picks up!  We were driving and Ricky said to me, “Look at that contrail!”  I must admit, I had no idea what he was talking about!  (In case anyone else is as clueless as me, a contrail is that visible trail left by airplanes.)  Kevin likes to teach Ricky words and their meanings, but doesn’t always clue me in to what he’s teaching.   The other day Ricky found some broken pieces of an old lamp shade that had been missed by the vacuum.  He asked Kevin about them and Kevin told him that they were fragments.  Not two minutes later, here comes Billy this time “fragme, fragme!”

Oh, I forgot to mention this one from the other day.   We are driving along (we really don’t spend that much time in the car, but he talks non-stop from the moment he gets into his carseat until he gets out) and Ricky says to me, “Momma, what does Poppy call really big spiders?”  I figured he was actually asking me, so I said something along the lines of “I don’t know.  We’ll have to ask him when he gets home.”  And what does my boy say to me?  “Momma, they are tarantulas.”   Does it seem wrong to anyone else that my 4 year old knows words with 4 syllables?