Around Here

Around here, Ricky doesn’t call shirts with hoods “hoodies.”  Instead, they are “shirts with helmets.”

Around here, when a two year old goes missing at the children’s museum, you can bet that he’ll find his way to the room with all the trains … every single time!

Around here, when you go to your kindergartner’s parent/teacher conference, you get to hear him described as “scary smart.”

Around here, you might get a two year old latched on your leg , dragging along the floor and calling, “Me stop you.  You no go!”

Around here, when boys are playing dinosaurs you might hear a conversation like this:  Billy- “Time to sleep!”   Ricky- “No, Billy!  It isn’t time for the dinosaurs to sleep!”   Billy- “Yes, lights out.  Sleep.”  Ricky- “No, Billy!  The dinosaurs are at church!  We don’t sleep at church!”

Around here, a 9 1/2 month old crawls and sits himself up and gets onto his knees.  And he looks way to little to be doing it all!

Around here, when two cousins disagree over sharing toys, Billy is likely to scrunch up his nose, put his fists on his hips and give a look of death.

Around here, several pews of church-goers will laugh after a pacifier is dropped and our two year old loudly declares, “Don’t worry, Dusty Guy!  Me get it!”