Libdy Bell

Ricky brought me a piece of paper the other day very excited to tell me the story he’d written about the “Libdy Bell.”   I had to question him about the “Libdy Bell.”  He told me that they rang it so hard that it broke.  Ahh, I saw the light.  I told him that it was the Lib-er-ty Bell.  He added the -er- but left the d and I didn’t complain.  I asked him where he learned about it and Ricky said he watched a tv show about it with Uncle Tony.  I guess I should pay better attention to what they watch on Sunday afternoons!

Today as I unloaded the paperwork from Ricky’s backpack, there was a little book he’d colored called the “Symbols of America.”  He quickly flipped past pictures of the bald eagle and the stars and stripes to the very last page and happily said, “See!  The Liberty Bell!”   Maybe he and Uncle Tony did watch a show about it, but it came to his mind again from learning about it at school.  Sometimes it is very difficult to figure this kid out!  And why is he so excited about a broken bell?