A bit of everything, yet nothing

1.  We went to Grandmama’s the Sunday after Ricky’s birthday.  Uncle Tony asked Ricky what presents he’d received.  Without looking up from whatever it was he was playing with, Ricky said, “Did YOU give me a present yet?”

2.  This same post-birthday Sunday included some balloons.  Uncle Tony was blowing them up and showed the boys how fun it is to blow them up with things inside … a smaller balloon, small toys, Rusty’s pacifier.  Ricky wanted him to put Rusty’s Baby in a balloon, but it was a bit too big.  At one point, Uncle Tony wanted to show Billy something so he simply said, “Hey, Billy!  Come here!”  to which Billy went running away declaring, “Don’t put me in a balloon!!!!”

3.  Same Sunday – Uncle Tony did have a gift for Ricky.  It was some old coloring books that his boys had never used and he had a huge stack.  He offered Ricky 6 since that was how old he turned.  Billy came right up after Ricky was finished, holding up three fingers and said, “I want 3 coloring books!”  Uncle Tony complied.

4.  Still the same Sunday – Rusty went to the Nursery class at church for the first time.  The teachers welcomed him with a hug.  Billy bossed him around and showed him what to do.  And Rusty never looked back.

5.  One day shortly after that same Sunday – Billy was walking through Grandmama’s house and there were several balloons on the floor.  He stomped through kicking them and repeating, “Get out of my sight!  Get out of my sight!”  (um, where did he learn that one?)

6.  The Monday after the Sunday after Ricky’s birthday – Ricky was playing with some toy he’d gotten for a present and Billy wanted a turn.  After Ricky told him no, Billy declared, “Today is a day to share!”  Ricky didn’t have to share his brand new toys on his birthday if he didn’t want to and I guess Billy was declaring Ricky’s birthday officially over.

7.  Naps rule at our house.  I am somewhat of an ogre about them and bedtime, especially for Rusty.  During Ricky’s birthday week, Rusty’s schedule was all off and we had major issues at bedtime.  He would scream and scream and scream.  Not just when we put him to bed, but after we’d get him to sleep (which took a couple of hours), he’d wake up in the middle of the night and do it again!  When your child rarely cries, this is even harder to hear.  I’ve read books about letting your child cry it out and we tried that with Ricky – worked fine.  Billy and Rusty though are not interested!  Kevin and I had to take turns going in and calming a near hysterical Rusty down. Thankfully, he stopped the screaming about a week after he started it and we are back to happy dream land again.

8.  Rusty has a thing for burp cloths.  We have them stashed here and there so that one is never too far away should a spit up happen.  When Rusty sees one, he grabs it and usually toddles over and drops it on Tommy’s head.  Unless he happens to be stealing it from Tommy in the first place.  Then he just takes it somewhere and chucks it.  Funny little thief!

9.  I was working in the kitchen one day last week and heard the following conversation between my two big boys.  I’m glad they communicate so well.

Billy:  Ricky!  Ricky, where are you?  Ricky!  Ricky?

Ricky:  Billy!  I’m going pooh-pooh!

Billy:  Why?

Ricky:  Because I just have to!

10.  Scooby Doo is reigning in our house these days.  The boys can’t get enough of him, especially Ricky.  I’m happy about it since playing monsters is less dangerous with Billy than playing Ninja Turtles was!  Here is Ricky giving a couch potato lesson to Rusty.  He looks like a quick study.