I tried, but I couldn't resist

Rusty has entered his vocabulary explosion (is that the right terminology, Tim?).  Just this last week he’s doubled the understandable words he says.  Granted, he won’t say them on command, but he says them just the same.  Let’s see how many I can remember:  duck, stuck, truck, car, go, kitty, dog, done, please, muah (for a kiss), hug, cup, snack, hi, that, no … I know there are more than that.   Rusty is also very good at pulling me places and pointing to what he wants.

Rusty thinks he’s 6.  We went to the park one day this week and he would have nothing to do with the small slide, he wanted the tallest one.  He wants to eat what his brothers eat and do what they do.  He’s observed the olders wrestling enough that today, while Ricky was building a tower of blocks, Rusty came up behind him, grabbed him around the neck and flung himself backwards … in essence, taking Ricky down.  Rusty didn’t just do it once.  Over and over again he’d grab Ricky and fling him down.  Thankfully, Ricky was good natured about it.  He was also good natured when every time he’d finish his tower, Rusty would come running from across the room and with an evil smile, knock it down.  The best part was Rusty’s happy clapping each time the blocks fell down.  The stinker!