Things I should have pictures of …

but both of my cameras have dead batteries.

Tommy can push himself up to sitting now.  He is so much happier!  He still does his worm crawl, but now he can sit up and enjoy the view.

Tommy is getting all four of his front top teeth … at once.  He despises having us look in his mouth.  He clamps his jaw and then raspberries/spits at us while we try to look.  But they are there.

Ricky found a cavity in his tooth with his tongue!  We assumed it was a chipped tooth, but the dentist says cavity.  We took him to a different dentist this time.  Having this cavity filled will NOT be a repeat of last time.

Rusty is also cutting teeth – his two year molars.   And Ricky is cutting his 6 year molars.  Billy isn’t letting us near his mouth!

Ricky calls Billy “Bill” … a lot, maybe even more than he calls him Billy.  It is cute, but weird at the same time.

Billy’s latest stall tactic for bedtime is to come out of his room, stand at the top of the stairs, and say, “I have a question.”  This week his question has been, “I forgot to do my homework!”  Maybe his homework should be learning what a question is!

Rusty’s  birthday is next week.  He’s going to be two.  He’s such a sweet thing.  I just had to throw that out there.