
Rusty loves church.  It has made it onto his thankful feathers 3 times so far (Jesus has not only been bumped by Heavenly Father and Batman, but also by temples and church … who is teaching this kid?).

Kevin goes to church meetings on Sunday mornings and our services are in the afternoon.  Every week when Kevin leaves, Rusty wants to go with him.  He doesn’t want to miss a chance to go to church, I guess.

A few weeks ago we had our Stake Conference meetings.  Instead of attending individual classes, families all stayed together listening to our church leaders for 2 hours.  The boys were restless and ready to leave, but Rusty had an incredible melt-down about not getting to go to his Nursery class that week.  It was of such epic proportions that he wouldn’t eat lunch and we had to put him in his room for a nap and just let him cry himself to sleep.  This boy LOVES church.

This morning as Kevin was heading out to his meetings, Rusty came running after him.  “Poppy, I have church sweater!  I have church sweater!”

Even though Rusty was all dressed and was wearing his church sweater, he still didn’t get to go with Kevin.  He was a bit bummed until I told him he could go after lunch.  Rusty just kind of looked at me, trying to decide if I was telling the truth, and flatly said, “Okay.”

Then he went off to play with his cars.