End of Second Grade

Ricky finished second grade last week.  He had a great year and has just grown up so much.  We had a great relationship with his teacher, Mrs. Rumsey, and I think he’s going to miss her.  She was very patient with him and laughed with me about Ricky’s messy desk, accidental scissors to the hair, sloppy penmanship, and zoned look (even though he WAS paying attention).  His report card was nearly perfect this term and he even was awarded a reading recognition award.  His teacher chose one boy and one girl from the class to be recognized for their reading and Ricky was the one picked from his class.  He was incredibly proud of himself for that.

Here is Ricky’s “Unfinished Work” folder.  Since his report card showed him doing so well in class, I am assuming this is mostly busy work that he really didn’t HAVE to finish.  Ricky tells me that he’s going to finish it up over the summer.  Sounds good, son.

Here he was, ready for that last day of school …

And here is my boy on his first day of second grade …

And, just because he was so dang cute, here is Ricky on his first day of kindergarten …

Time for him to stop growing up, I think!

(Here’s the side by side because Kevin likes it best)