Month: November 2012

Hawaiian Punch

I bought some Hawaiian Punch this week…a rare treat for the boys. Rusty was chugging the stuff down and paused long enough to declare, “It tastes like ketchup.  Ketchup punch!” I don’t know that I will ever be able to drink Hawaiian Punch again.

Brigham City Temple

Back in September, we had the opportunity to take all the boys (and my mom and aunt) through the Brigham City Temple.  There was an open house tour that the boys quite enjoyed. However, I think they enjoyed the bus ride from the parking lot to the temple best.  We drove past a garden known […]


Several times a day, I can’t help myself and have to say to Tommy, “Are you cute?” He really is, but every time I get the same response, “No.  Tommy!” Have you ever tried to explain to a 2 year old that you weren’t really just asking him if his name is “Cute?” Yeah.  Me […]

Good-bye, Trouble

I know I won’t be able to write this tomorrow.  Or anytime soon after.  It is hard enough to write tonight. Tomorrow morning, Kevin is going to take our big puppy to the vet.  We’re going to let him go to heaven. It’s killing me. Kevin and I got these big mutts at a low […]