
Bobby’s first true word is kitty.  He’s been saying it for a few weeks now.  It certainly is what he says when he sees our three cats, but it is also what he calls most all stuffed animals and I even heard him call a neighbor’s dog “kitty” yesterday.

Grandmama added to the fun of this first word by getting Bobby a huge stuffed kitty.


And I mean huge!!!  He loves it!  (and his brothers fight over it when he isn’t playing with it)


He carries it around and calls for his “kitty” and gives it lots of loves.   The other night Tommy observed, “Kitty.  That’s the only thing that Bobby can say that humans say.”



Bobby especially likes to lay on top of his big kitty.  He does this same thing to our real cat and he isn’t quite as patient as the stuffed one.   When Bobby assumed this laying down on his stuffed kitty position the other night, Tommy exclaimed, “Oh, look!  Bobby’s doing the dead man!”
