
Most of our time between Christmas and New Years was spent comforting the sick …



It started with a runny nose with Bobby, then to him being sicker and Ricky being sicker and then the three middle boys being kind of sick and then to Kevin and I getting it.  Happy Holidays, to us!  But the icks didn’t stop Kevin and I from enjoying our New Years Eve.  We had all the sickos asleep by 7:30 and then we played games and watched a movie before the ball dropped!



Bobby went from walking to climbing in what seemed a blink of an eye.  Suddenly every chair, stool, and table was a means to getting him higher and higher.  Our decorating style is now reflective of this climbing tendency.  The lid to our blanket box has disappeared … the stools and chairs get turned upside down … and bathroom doors have knob locks since the toilet tank was one of his favorite places to perch.  These tactics may have slowed his climbing, but they didn’t stop his creativity …



Bobby likes to be helpful.  He thinks that if you are doing it, he should be doing it.  Taking down the Christmas tree?  Then he is sure that that strand of lights needs to be stretched across the house …



Baking something?  He’s sure he needs to check on it, too …



Drinking water?  Well, Bobby will help you finish off that water bottle faster … (photo thanks to Tommy)



Man, I love that little man!



When Ricky was 2, he got a cute Little People set for his birthday.


It has been played with by all the boys and was put away for a while when Tommy was finished with it.  I needed a distraction for Bobby one day and pulled it out for him for the first time.  It was a success and I got something done!



Ricky is really good at getting 100% on his spelling tests.  Week after week, he gets perfect scores or misses just one word out of 20.  One would think his spelling was marvelous.  Maybe it is … for tests.  For daily life?  Not so much.  One assignment each week is to write me a letter about what he’s been learning about at school.  I loved translating this sentence one week … “Quire is coming up soon.”



Translation:  CHOIR is coming up soon.

There you go.