From Kevin’s Camera in August

Sometimes Kevin takes pictures of things I miss.  Sometimes he just gets a different angle of my same thing.  These are some of those pictures…

One of the things our PTA did this summer was support our community’s new Farmers Market.  We provided a children’s booth each week.  Kevin took the boys to the market one week when face painting was going on …


The kids doing the painting are friends of ours and they took good care of the boys.


Sometimes you need to be a green bunny…


Naturally, the little man had to get his face painted like his brothers.  Doesn’t he look thrilled about it?  hee hee


Rusty wasn’t interested in having his face painted.  Ricky was also a bunny and Billy was a red ninja.


Bobby loves animals, especially our cats.  Even if the cat is still bigger than he is!


After our good friend Buffey passed away in June, I realized I had never taken a picture of Buffey and I together.  That made me sad, so I’ve made a point to get pictures with some of friends.  This is my friend Ashley, we like her.


“What?  Am I not supposed to crawl under this bench?” says the small fry.



He sleeps in his bed.  Still not our best sleeper, but he’s getting better.   Plus, he’s cute.


See what I mean?

Kevin uses selfies to entertain Bobby like I do.  ‘Tis the lot of this generation, I’m afraid.


Kevin took this picture because he was surprised how long Billy was when he stretched out sleeping …


Rusty loves helping Kevin in the garage.  This project was flat bike tires.  We have many flat bike tires all summer long.


The job Kevin had from the end of June until the end of August was far enough away that Kevin took the train to work.  This was a picture of his last day riding the train!


Don’t you all put the ring toss ring on your head in order to play ladder ball?  If not, Bobby thinks you should.


It has really improved his game …


The boys were in a skit at their last Pack Meeting together …


Another view of Ricky’s face paint…


Hair cuts.  It seems like someone always needs a hair cut.  I wish I was better at giving them.  I was mid-Rusty hair when my clippers broke.  Thankfully  my friend loaned me hers so I could finish.  Bobby sat still … for most of the hair cut.


I’m not sure Kevin is allowed to make oatmeal in the microwave any more…


Grandmama gave Billy this Batman Bear for his tooth removal surgery.  Billy really loves his stuffed animals!



And there you go.