December Wrapped Up!

Kevin getting some use out of the mini-tramp the boys gave him …


It was still too cold to go light seeing at Temple Square, so we took the boys to Roy where they decorate the city building with a lot of lights that you can drive by in your car.  It was pretty and the boys seemed satisfied … especially when we picked up pizza for dinner on the way home!


Rusty FINALLY lost his first tooth (followed a week later by his second).   It just came out in his hand and he kept saying, “I can’t believe I lost my tooth!  I’m so excited!!  Isn’t anybody else excited?!”


For Christmas, Ricky arrange with Aunt Suzy (who works at a movie theater) to get me tickets to see the newest Star Wars movie.  He ended up getting 3 tickets – for me, Kevin, and himself.   Aunt Suzy agreed to babysit, so the three of us ate a lot of popcorn and enjoyed the movie together.


We got a good snowfall and Kevin was out shoveling while the boys were playing in the snow.  They were sliding down a small hill made by the snow pushed off the side of our driveway.  They were enjoying themselves, but apparently our neighbor thought we could do better.  He brought over his 4 wheeler, gave Kevin a quick lesson, and away we went!


I was the first guinea pig with Bobby on my lap.  It took a LOT of core strength to not tip over or fly off that sled.  I had to give Kev a few pointers for the well being of our other children!


The boys thought it was fabulous!


I liked riding on the back of the 4 wheeler with the Bobster while the boys took their turn on the sled.  You get a lot less snow in your face that way!


Either my tips to Kevin worked or the boys have stronger core muscles than I do or they are shorter so they weren’t as inclined to tip, but they did surprisingly well at staying in the sled!


All smiles!


The boys actually really liked going face first on their bellies – they are crazy!


When we returned the ATV, our neighbors were surprised we hadn’t kept it longer.  The boys had already been outside playing before, so their cold tolerance was spent.  But we still had it a good hour and our lawn was covered in tire marks.


Bobby and I were pretty toasty warm though!


Rusty went to his last physical therapy appointment.  He picked out a thank you card and wrote a message for Eli his therapist and even included a photograph of the two of them… and then Eli wasn’t there!  Rusty was heartbroken even though he didn’t say it.  His face was devastated but he’s good and went through the exercises with the girl he doesn’t really like.  I made sure he got to do all the activities he was looking forward to doing one last time.  He left his note for Eli at the front desk and as a “graduation” present he got a stuffed dog that looked just like Frank, the office’s physical therapy bull dog.  Rusty was all smiles by the end.



Kevin and I had been trying to go on a date a week or 52 dates in 2015 AND take a picture of ourselves on each one.  We didn’t quite reach the goal, hitting only 47 dates.  Our 47th was to our favorite steakhouse – and the picture … well, I have no words for that.  Sometimes we make cute faces and other times we get that!


The boys picked out a massager for me for Christmas and here I am using it.  Heat, vibrations … good!



And there you go!