Field Day and Misc May

It was my last year to be fully in charge of Field Day.  By my choice.  This was my 4th year in a row and I needed to let it go before I claimed too much ownership.  And even then, the Field Day gods couldn’t quite make up their minds about whether we were inside or outside – threat of winds and possible rain forced me to create Plan C, part inside, part outside.  It caused me stress but it still turned out great!

I was too busy running the show to remember to take pictures, but I had awesome friends/volunteers that captured my kids for me!  This was a new game this year – Sumo Ball…


Crab Soccer was new this year as well.  For the older grades, they played what the volunteers dubbed “Indiana Jones Ball” instead – running through a tunnel of students being chased by the big ball.  This was also new this year and a BIG hit!


The group walk is always a challenge and worth a few laughs!


I was very thankful that Kevin was able to help me out again this year!  He’s my right hand and the best Koob station runner there is!!  I couldn’t have survived 4 years of Field Days without him – we were both pooped by the time it was over!


A few days later, I helped with the Kindergarten’s Mother Goose Field Day.  It is a cute event and I wasn’t in charge of anything but playing tug-of-war.  I liked that almost as much as watching Tommy play!


I spent two days in May at the state PTA convention in Provo.  While waiting for my sandwich at the deli the first day, there was suddenly another Cindy Pendleton placing an order!  It was fun to run into my sister-in-law and eat lunch with her (we got the correct sandwiches without any problems).


The PTA convention was a great time for me to improve me.  I did learn a lot about PTA and making our organization better, but I attended workshops focused on leadership and personal development.  I quite enjoyed the message from Nathan Osmond and LOVED this quote that he shared:


And I snapped this picture of the books he recommended reading to become a better person and leader:


But most of all, I loved the message he shared about the 5 levels of leadership.  How anyone can be a level 1 leader – someone who people follow because they HAVE to (the rights of their position), but it takes work and love to become a level 5 leader where people follow you because they respect you and your abilities.  That message gave me a lot to think about in my work in PTA, church, and with my own sons.  How am I leading my boys at home?  Very interesting stuff!


Bobby hates getting his hair cut.  He cries and it is such a process!  So when he had to tag along with me for my hair cut, I had my stylist cut his, too.  He still didn’t like it … but at least I wasn’t the one cutting it!


And it turned out so much better than when I do it!


Sometimes it is necessary to stand on your head before we say prayers at night.


This is the before picture.  Kevin and I created these arches to grow my squash on this year.  The idea is that they will grow up and over and make a cool green tunnel.  I’m still waiting to see what happens …


This is a notebook that came home from Ricky’s desk.  I don’t think there was a mouse living in his desk, so I don’t quite know how to explain this …


One day was apparently “Red Nose Day.”  I’m not sure why or where, but my mom was given red noses for the event and she shared them with the boys.


These two make my heart happy!


Kevin’s work hosted a BAE Night at a Bees Baseball game.  The boys were very excited to be at a big baseball field.


We had hot dogs and burger and watermelon in a reserved box area where we could also see the game.  Some chose to sit on the seats; Bobby preferred to see the game from under the seats.


After we ate, we moved down to our real seats and enjoyed the game.


Well, we enjoyed the first half of the game.  After 4 innings and the Bees losing, I was tired and ready to head home.  The boys kept asking for snacks and to go to a playground they could see from our seats, so they were ready, too.


But the game was great while it lasted!


And sometimes a person just needs two hats, two toothbrushes, a brother’s cleats, and no clothes.  Really, no explanation is necessary, right?!


And there you go.