Yellowstone Trip Day 4

This was by far my favorite day.


We took the boys on a raft 5 miles down the Snake River.  It was mild and slow and absolutely delightful!


I loved the scenery.  I loved watching the boys learn to row.  I loved seeing otters, eagles, and a moose.


Kevin and I don’t necessarily get along when we are both trying to row in the same boat, but we made it work with the boys.  Bobby LOVED seeing the bald eagles.  And I loved hearing him say “bald eagle.”  Not just an eagle, “bald eagle.”


My favorite view of the day …


They were looking at this moose up ahead, but I was soaking in all five of my little people and Kevin making this memory together!


I don’t know that Bobby wanted to actually paddle, I think he just couldn’t resist the water!


At this point, Kevin was going on and on about all the fish in the water.  The boys were looking hard and would occasionally see some, but nothing like Kevin was going on about.  He’d be pointing to a whole school of fish and we’d maybe see one or two.  He was getting frustrated with us “blind” folks when he realized he was wearing polarized sunglasses.  Once he took them off, he realized that he was “blind” as well.  Ha!  It gave us a good laugh!


So once we got to the dock, he took the boys out to look for more fish – and he shared his sunglasses!


That afternoon was spent chilling at the cabin we’d rented.  It was right off of a national forest, so there was a fence, but plenty of room to climb on fallen trees and explore.  The boys chased squirrels and chipmunks and taught Bobby to call them “cute chipmunks” not just “chipmunk.”  Months later, he’ll still correct us if we try to call one a chipmunk and leave off the cute!


The boys found lots of these little frogs around the cabin.  They caught them and created a nice habitat for them to play in until Momma ruined the fun and made them put the frogs back in their real home.


We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.  We told stories around the fire.  Ricky had a book about the “real ghost stories” of Yellowstone, so we shared some of those.  The boys were disappointed that they weren’t more spooky!

Here is just some cute sitting around the fire footage.  Nothing special.  Just real life us.

There you go.