"I am Sam . . . Sam I am"

Ricky enjoys stories, this is no secret, and he loves having the same story read over and over. Recently the book of choice has been “Green Eggs and Ham.” Last night, while Kevin was reading this book to him, Ricky started reciting Sam’s lines. He gets them pretty much word for word. Oh, and don’t even think about reading the lines for him! As I was told at nap time, “Momma, it’s Ricky’s turn!” (not ready for that preschool, hmph!)

We have had a great week. My friend Shelly and her 3 kids came and stayed with us and Ricky had more friends around than he knew what to do with. They live in Southern Colorado and the kids are ages 6, 5, and 3. We went to the Nature Center and she showed them Temple Square, but mostly the kids just played and played. Ricky was sad to see them go this morning, but I think he was also relieved to not have to share all of his toys any more!


Billy enjoyed the added attention as well. But it tuckered him out . . .


Billy won’t take a bottle (a great frustration for his momma) so we are working on the sippy cup. He LOVES it, at least with water in it. If he sees that cup before he finishes eating his meals, there is no getting him to eat–he has a one track mind.


He has been a noisy toad since birth, but now it is sounding a lot more like words. To Kevin’s delight, Billy sticks his chin out, closes his eyes, and repeats “da da da da da.” With those two little teeth hanging out, it is irresistible!


Billy weighed in at 19 lbs 2 oz at the doctor’s office last week.
