You can do hard things!

I heard a church talk a year ago that mentioned a family slogan of “you can do hard things.”  It kind of hung around in my head and when the boys started whining about the chore of  picking up their toys being too hard a couple of months ago, I pulled it out.  When we sat down and made our House Rules for the year, the first one on the list was “you can do hard things.”  So the boys hear this … almost daily.

The other night, as we were driving home, Billy dropped his toy and wanted me to get it for him.  I told him I couldn’t reach it while I was driving and he said, “But, Momma, you can do hard fings!”

Today, as I was preparing a mini-lesson for my church meeting tonight, Billy came up and wanted help putting his train tracks together.  Now this is a task he can do just fine and does by himself frequently, so I felt no guilt in telling him to do it himself while I finished up.  He put on his poutiest face and told me, “I can’t do hard fings!  I can’t do hard fings!”