Photoless Snippets of My Week

If a picture is worth a thousand words, than if I write a thousand words it is as good as if I had a picture, right?  No photos were taken of these moments, but if I close my eyes, I can see them all over again.

1.  Ricky remembered about his video game joystick thing (the one with Pac-Man on it).  He convinced Kevin to put in new batteries and he’s been so happy with the time he’s been allowed to play.  After a good afternoon spent outside, he was ready to come in and “play some video games.”  As Kevin and I visited, we looked at the little man … he was sitting on the ottoman with the joystick held between his legs and both feet in the air.  With each jump or hit, those feet would do some sort of dance all around the air.  Who taught this guy how to play Centipede?

2.  I have often said that if someone else will do it for him, Ricky is perfectly content to let them do it.  I dropped him off at school one day and waited as he entered the school doors as usual.  He almost always uses the automatic door button (the kind for those in wheelchairs) … he pushes the button and waits for the door to open for him, but this day he didn’t.  Ricky actually opened the door himself.  However, he only opened it a crack and squeezed himself in not allowing for the backpack on his back.  The door closed and there he was trapped with his backpack stuck in the door and his arms still in the straps.  True to form, he didn’t do anything … he just hung out and waited until the next kindergartener arrived and opened the door for him to be freed (so no one questions my mothering, the next child arrived faster than I could have hauled this fat body out of the van and to the door, so there was no neglect).

3.  Yesterday was a warmish day but very windy.  The boys were banished to the backyard for some much needed fresh air.  Billy found his toy lawn mower and was having a great time pushing it around the yard … doing his “vacuuming.”

4.  Rusty’s new found mobility has led to the inevitable bumps and falls.  One was quite bloody as he tumbled onto his face and bit his lip.  It has also allowed him to get places he couldn’t before.  Rusty is not our first baby in this house … Billy was born after we moved in as well, but he is the first to get his head stuck in the railing twice in two days.  The little one doesn’t even cry about it, he just kind of whines until I find him and maneuver his head back to the widest part where it easily slips back out.  If he would stop sitting in the cat beds, he wouldn’t be so close to the railing!

5.  The big boys have been playing with their Tinker Toys this week and aren’t always picky about picking them all up.  Rusty thinks they are fabulous … especially the long stick pieces.  He finds one and immediately pops it into his mouth and goes about doing whatever he was doing before.  It looks like a little old man with his cigar!  A drippy, slobbery cigar!  (I really should get a picture of this one)

6.  On the subject of slobber … this morning as the big boys were coloring, Rusty discovered a crayon on the floor.  Now, I could just remove this from his hand myself, but in an effort to make the boys more aware of themselves, I always ask them to do it.  Ricky had no problems hopping down to retrieve the crayon, but when he saw that Rusty had put it in his mouth, he changed his course.  Ricky first stopped at the tissue box for a tissue so that he wouldn’t have to touch the crayon with his bare hand.  He then asked me “What should I do with this crayon?   It is all slobbery!”  He answered his own question by deeming it too disgusting to go back in the crayon box and instead threw it away.  Have you seen this kid eat spaghetti?  Or ice cream?  And a little baby drool causes this reaction?  Sometimes I just wonder …

7. I had been threatened against mentioning a particular incident on the blog, but when the following happened, I just didn’t want to lose the memory of such early sarcasm (besides, sleeping in the LazyBoy might be more comfortable for me than the bed tonight anyway).  Saturday, a yard clean up project got away from Kevin and a bit of burning grass got a lot too close to our shed.  Ricky was outside to witness the frantic, yet successful, attempts to prevent the shed from being scorched.   So on Thursday when Kevin was heading out to do some more yard work, Ricky’s quirky little self said to his dad, “What?  Are you gonna try to burn the shed down?!”  He got a stern look and then Kevin had to turn his head so Ricky wouldn’t see the laughter that followed!

8.  We stopped by Kevin’s work today just before lunch so Kevin could show the boys off to his coworkers.  Then Kevin followed us home for a lunch break.  As Billy was climbing out of the van, he triumphantly told his father, “Poppy!  You loseded the race!”

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