Play-Doh, Happy Meals, a "Stor List," et al.

The play-doh came out of the cupboard last week.  Even though all the colors were mashed together in one big ziploc baggie, the boys were tickled.  Each got to work on his creation.

Ricky used the cookie cutters and made name cupcakes, complete with toothpick candles with little bits of play-doh on top for the fire.



Billy made a birthday cake for Kevin.  I wouldn’t taste this one though … there are cookie cutters and toothpicks hidden inside!


Rusty had his first Happy Meal last week.  It was pretty much by accident.  The big boys weren’t hungry for the hamburger, so I put half on Rusty’s tray to see what he would do … he wolfed it down and then whimpered for the second half!



He already knew the joy of French fries.  Sigh.



The toy in these Happy Meals were Star Wars related, so Ricky wanted to understand the show.  He found a book about the movie in our bookcase and promptly made himself a list of toys he wanted me to get for him. (Rusty crumpled it nicely for him)


We hope to have finally beaten off the germs that have been invading our home the last couple of weeks.  The big boys both had ear infections and Rusty had a possible sinus infection.  Ricky still wasn’t feeling well after his first day on antibiotics.  How did I know?  It is rare that he naps any more and even more rare for him to nap on the couch AND even more rare for him to permit a cat to sleep so close …


This was one of those “I love being a mom” moments.  All three boys were happily sitting together playing legos … and it lasted about 10 minutes.  I love being a mom!
