Snippets of our Days

Part of our Halloween Party was a fun game involving oven mitts and M&Ms.

Rusty finally wised up and just used his hands to pick up the M&Ms.

We have good cats.  They take a lot from the boys without hissing or scratching or clawing.  Billy and Rusty found some cat toys the other day and they insisted Hunter play with them.

Tommy is a mover and a shaker.  He isn’t crawling yet, but he is sliding and scooting himself all over the house.

Now he gets himself into some interesting positions.

Somedays we just hang out.  And we are okay with that.

While driving on the freeway yesterday, Ricky saw this truck:

I heard him talking to himself saying, “Wow!  That truck says Mayflower.  That truck is carrying a ship!  The Mayflower ship!”  Then he told Billy, “Billy, look!  The Mayflower is in that truck!  The pilgrims came on the Mayflower.  It is a ship.”  My thanks to his public education!