Dishwasher Help

I have lots of helpers when it comes to the dishwasher.  Of course, if they have a better offer, that help often disappears, but …

Ricky almost always has a better offer.

Billy likes putting the silverware away.  He thinks it is fun to match the forks and spoons and he gets to touch the knives (butter, thank you), which is exciting, you know.

Rusty likes putting the silverware away, too.  His method is to just barely open the drawer and chuck the pieces in.  He doesn’t care where they land … he’s helping!

Tommy likes everything.  He likes to inspect the dirty silverware to make sure it is dirty enough to be washed.  He likes to cart off silverware to other places to give me more exercise while loading or unloading.  He tries to get the plates or pans out, but he doesn’t have enough height to get good leverage.

He found a solution to the height problem.  He just climbs right on in when my back is turned.

I don’t mind so much when I’m unloading the clean dishes, but when I’m loading it and all the yucky water and other droppings are on that dishwasher door … I shudder.