A Churchy Lesson

Last week we had a family lesson on the Plan of Salvation (if you don’t know what that is, ask a Mormon friend or go here).  We got to the part about how after the final judgement day there are different kingdoms to which people are assigned and that we were striving for our whole family to be together in the Celestial Kingdom.  Ricky and Billy totally got it – they liked the picture, they could answer questions, they knew where Grandpa Chet is hanging out right now … They even understood that at the Resurrection, everybody will be made whole and perfect.  I explained that by saying, “Poppy will even have hair after he is resurrected!  Won’t that be fun?”  To which Ricky remarked, “Yeah.  Then it will start to fall out again.”

The next morning at breakfast, Ricky showed that he’d been stewing over this Celestial Kingdom and resurrection concept.  He asked, “Momma, in the Celestial Kingdom will our stuffed animals come to life?”  He was a little bummed when I explained that no, they wouldn’t.

Billy also demonstrated his understanding of The Plan.  We were going to go swimming but hadn’t told the boys about it yet.  I asked them to get their swim trunks on and they naturally asked if we were going to the pool.  I was in a playful mood and told them, “Nope.  We are just going to sit around the house in our swim trunks today.”

Billy looked at me and in all seriousness said, “Momma, don’t lie.  Do you want to go to heaven or to Satan?!”

I apologized and told them that, yes, we were going to the pool.