Bobby is 4 months

Actually, he’ll be 5 months in about a week and a half, but for the moment … he’s 4 months old.


I took him in for a photo shoot on Friday.  Why?  Because I’m crazy and want to remember how cute my babies are at all their little stages.  I don’t trust my memory to remember how cute he was at 4 months old … so I pay someone to capture that adorable face forever!



Earlier this month, I took Bobby to the doctor for his well-check and some shots.  He weighed in at 14.2 lbs and was 25.5 inches tall.   He’s a bit above average on height (70%) and below average on weight (40%).  In other words, absolutely perfect.


Until I ran into two rounds of strep throat and had mother’s milk issues, Bobby was sleeping about 11-13 hours each night without waking up.  We are now doing a combination of mama’s milk and formula and his sleeping is getting longer again.


I’m sure I’ll dedicate a post to it … but his first little tooth just broke through two days ago!  It’s his bottom right front tooth.


Bobby isn’t quite rolling over yet, but he’s getting close.  He can squirm his way around in a circle, meaning we never know which way his head will be in his crib after a nap.


He’s drooling, but isn’t my biggest drooler (Tommy still claims that prize).  He seems to always have a fist, or two, in his mouth, too.  I would assume this is because he’s teething.  But maybe his fingers just taste yummy.


He’s not sitting up on his own yet.  To get this next picture, I propped him up on his tummy, quickly moved my hands, and the photographer snapped the picture just before he toppled over.  Then we did it again.


Bobby loves to stare.  His toes are usually hidden in socks, so when they come out, he can’t resist being fascinated by them.  He stares at faces, fans, the TV, his brothers, the cats … anything the moves or doesn’t move.  His little brain is working and you can just see him thinking, “What IS that?  How DOES that work?”



A friend watched the boys for me the other day and when I picked them up she asked, “Is Bobby always such a pleasant baby?”  Yep.  He really, really is.

I sure love him.