February Fun

It seems like our shortest month is one of our most busy!

We did take a moment here and there to veg and hug our Batman Bear while watching TV.


I attended Parent Teacher Conferences for all the boys and they are all brilliant and not a behavior issue in the bunch!  I love hearing how awesome my boys are!  Billy’s class was decorated with “kids.”  (he was the only one to use gloves for hands!)


Rusty’s birthday brought more snow and I sent the boys out to sled on our tiny hill.  It is just a landscape bump, but it worked for about an hour of play!!


It was adorable to watch from my nice warm house!


The never ending potty training.  It is kind of cute.  But I’m ready for it to be done!


More drawing games with our friends.  This one began with “Kevin cries at parties” and ended up with “Kevin reads girl books and cries about them.”  I’m pretty sure I was the one with tears when this game was over!!!


So much going on means so little laundry folded.  It took me more than one movie to get all this done! (I like to fold while I watch TV)


Our PTA hosted a skating night at the local rink.  Kevin and Bobby were adorable!


The boys had such a great time and did a really good job.  (Billy in the red)


They were sweaty and stinky by the time we left!


(Rusty in the red)


Ricky opted for his scooter instead of skates but he got some good speed!


Bobby has been a good helper for me when I teach PE at the preschool.


And he didn’t mind getting the pink sweatband on heart health day!


Bobby had his first ever dentist appointment!  He has all his teeth and did really well (the tv above the chair helped a lot).


Sometimes Kevin puts chocolates in his eyes and says “arrrr!”  I don’t know why!


Cold days with kids trapped inside and busy schedules … I felt like Han Solo in this meme more than once!


Bobby went with Kevin and I as we set up for a funeral luncheon.  He couldn’t carry the chairs, but he scooted them wonderfully along the floor!  Such a helper!


It is a little hard to see, but during a song at the funeral, I saw this smiley face in the clouds right above our friends.  Their baby twins were born too early and didn’t survive.  I felt terribly irreverent taking this picture, but I didn’t want to forget the moment.  My hesitation made it so the smile isn’t quite as prominent, but it looks kind of like a jack-o-lantern face and is above the man in the hat.


Sundays after church, I usually sit in my chair and talk to Kevin while he changes clothes (I’m generally faster than he is at changing).  The cats think this is an invitation to sit on my lap…and each other!


A lesson on service that I really want to  remember …


The local high school principal visited Tommy’s class at school.  He got a free t-shirt declaring him the “class of 28.”  That just seems so, so wrong!


Billy really enjoyed his Bear leaders but was totally ready to move on to Webelos when his birthday came!  (this is Kathy and Wendy)


I tried going for walks the days it wasn’t too cold and Bobby liked stopping to converse with the donkeys.


I spent a couple of days at Time-out for Women, a weekend of motivational and spiritual messages, with my lovely Shanae!


Cheesecake for my birthday, please.


I felt the love from my boys for my day and the hugs were better than any gifts!


The three oldest had appointments with the orthodontist on President’s Day.  Billy was just getting his retainer checked.  Rusty was getting his initial visit – verdict was that he needed 4 teeth pulled to make room in his mouth.  Ricky was supposed to be a check, possible spacers for braces…


Nope.  He got the whole enchilada.  He wasn’t really happy with me.


Kevin and I went with our friends to a regional training for teachers.  We made it an event by going to dinner first and ice cream after.  We might have gotten punchy because it was cracking us up too much that Kevin and our friend Brian were “twinners.”


Billy and Rusty’s first Blue and Gold Banquet and carnival.  Aren’t they too cute?  They were playing “flickin’ chicken” and were strategizing here.


When the boys earn their video game time, I love it if they all pile on the couch together.  Those five fuzzy heads make me happy!


Whew.  There you go.