Month: June 2007

Stake Lagoon Day

It was our Stake’s turn to have the discounted day at Lagoon this last Thursday. Grandmama was nice enough to watch Billy so that we could take Ricky down for a couple of hours. We were cheap, I’ll admit it, and just got the free entrance pass and only rode the rides that were free. […]

Bumbo Billy

I stumbled onto this infant seat when I was surfing the Internet one day. It is called a Bumbo Seat and is designed to help little ones sit up unassisted (once they can support their own head). Since Billy loves to sit upright and often tries to pull himself up when I have him reclining, […]

A good Father's Day

We had a good Father’s Day.  We spent the day with all of my family at my Mom’s.  It is always fun to be with the fam! Here are the 7 cousins, Skyler, Andrew, Ricky, Steph, Danny, Melissa, and Billy, ages ranging from almost 17 years to almost 4 months. Ricky adores his big cousins.  […]

Ricky says . . .

“No, no, Hunter! Nice to Ricky. No, no.” When Ricky is tickling the cat and the cat paws Ricky’s head. “Tank you, Momma!” When he sneezes and I say, “Bless you, Ricky.” “Tinky, Momma, tinky.” When it is time to call Kevin to change Ricky’s pants (potty training is still a work in progress). “No […]

Sears Portrait Session

We went a couple of weeks ago and had some portraits done.  Here some of the shots. Being almost 3 and full of spunk, it was a challenge to get a great shot of Ricky.  Thank goodness for digital photography!   We did get some cute smiling shots, but this one shows how fun Ricky […]