Month: September 2007

The Greatest Show On Earth

The Circus on Friday was very fun.  Ricky loved the animals and Billy slept through it like a champ!  Ricky had been hoping to see a seal with a ball on its nose, but seeing the elephants made him forget that he wasn’t seeing any seals.  Before the show, we were able to walk around […]

Could naptime be coming to an end?

I still think Ricky needs naps, he’s much more pleasant and obedient at 6 pm if he gets one, but he seems to be thinking otherwise this week.  I still enforce quiet, bedroom time each afternoon.  Yesterday, he came out and told me that the clouds were awake so he could be awake.  Today he […]

"I am Sam . . . Sam I am"

Ricky enjoys stories, this is no secret, and he loves having the same story read over and over. Recently the book of choice has been “Green Eggs and Ham.” Last night, while Kevin was reading this book to him, Ricky started reciting Sam’s lines. He gets them pretty much word for word. Oh, and don’t […]

A pirate says, "ARGH!"

The boys and I went to a craft store yesterday and we walked past the Halloween decoration display. Ricky started talking about all the dinosaurs and I was completely confused, for there wasn’t a single dinosaur in the Halloween display. Then he said, “Momma, a pirate dinosaur!” Sure enough, there was a pirate SKELETON. Somewhere […]