Month: October 2007


In Ricky speak that time is “Seven, Oh, another Oh, four, eye.” That is what he loudly told us the other morning when we were trying to sleep in after a tough night with Billy (he’s teething again) and Kevin having a cold. And when Kevin tried telling him that it was still time to […]


I’m cheating. My friend Tawnie tagged me in this “6 things about you” game and instead of talking about the deep dark recesses of myself, I’ll divulge some info about my boys! (Trust me, it would probably be easier to tell about myself). The rules: A. The rules of the game are posted at the […]

Never turn your back on the ocean . . .

or on Ricky while he is finger painting! We went up Ogden Canyon for some family pictures on Tuesday. We’re hoping the photographer was able to get something good with Ricky’s camera aversion. We took a couple with our camera to tide me over until we get the shots from the photographer, And I just […]

Good nights again!

I may be jinxing myself but Billy slept through the night the last two nights!  Billy had spent about a week waking up twice a night so this has been heaven.  He is now a good roller–front to back, back to tummy, and on slippery floors, he scoots backwards like a pro.  Billy is funny […]