Month: January 2008

A few pictures

Here are just a few things the boys have been doing lately. We have so much snow. I’m just surprised that there haven’t been any snow days this year . . . even the morning we woke up to 8 inches and it was still snowing. At least my boys aren’t in school yet, so […]

He crawls!!

Billy has finally decided to take the leap and officially crawls! It is slow and calculated, but he is on his hands and knees. He also got tooth number 4 yesterday. Two on top and two on bottom. Short and sweet.

Snow and more snow

We’ve gotten a lot of snow the last couple of weeks. During Billy’s nap this morning, Ricky and I headed out. It wasn’t good snowman snow, although we tried. Kevin got these headphone/noise reducer thingies recently. He uses them when he uses his chain saw for our firewood. Ricky thinks he hears music through them, […]

A few more

With Kevin off work for a week, Ricky got really bad at calling us by the wrong names.  I get “Pop-momma . . .” all day, but I love hearing Kevin be “Moppy.” Ricky advanced into the Sunbeam class at church this last Sunday.  It was such a big change that I don’t think he […]