A few more

With Kevin off work for a week, Ricky got really bad at calling us by the wrong names.  I get “Pop-momma . . .” all day, but I love hearing Kevin be “Moppy.”

Ricky advanced into the Sunbeam class at church this last Sunday.  It was such a big change that I don’t think he had a chance to miss the toys in the Nursery.  We were a bit nervous about how he’d do, since sitting still is not his forte, but his teacher (a master of tact) said he knew just what to do once they started singing time and that he really enjoyed the songs.  He has been singing a few new songs this week, so he must have been paying attention at least a little bit.  Heaven help us!

Grandmama has a Santa face for the Mr. Potato Head that lives there, but my boys found other uses for the beard . . .




Billy is still mastering those eating skills.
