Month: April 2009

Kindergarten Round-up Time

Do they call this a “round-up” in non-rodeo country? Today was Ricky’s Kindergarten registration day.  I told him that we were going to go look at his new school for Kindergarten and he said, “But, Momma, I’m not 5 yet?!”  He had a fabulous time.  He saw some of his friends from church and pre-school […]

"Quiet. QUIET!"

No, that isn’t me yelling at the boys during dinner when they are quacking at each other and getting progressively louder and louder and louder!  That is the sound of Billy, yes our sweet Billy, hollering at the dogs when they start howling at passing sirens.  It doesn’t matter that Trouble and Daisy can’t hear […]

Camera Dump

Sometimes a few too many pictures build up on the camera and I just need to to unload the cutest of the cute here. Last Saturday, Kevin built a new swing set at my mom’s house.  He had a few helpers. Billy grew tired of the work and was ready to play. Grandmama treated them […]


I know it has been a while since my sister Wendi was here, but better late then never. When she was here, she got to participate in the ever popular activity of drawing on the windows. Cindy pulls out the dry erase markers and let’s the boys draw with the markers on the windows. At […]

One week later

Well, it’s been one week now since we took Billy’s crib down and switched him over to the toddler bed. When we switched Ricky over from the crib to the toddler bed, it took him quite a while to get used to his new found freedom and learn to stay in his bed and go […]