Some things o'Rusty

Rusty is eating more and more grown-up food and his favorite meal is anything he can feed himself!  I do try to give him his meals on a plate, but Rusty almost instantly dumps the plate upside down.  He thinks his high chair seasons foods better.


Rusty is NOT a delicate eater!


This is Baby, or Super-Baby, as the big boys call it.


It is Rusty’s most favorite thing in the world.  He especially loves the ribbon tag on the side.  At night, I can be rocking him in a completely dark room and Rusty can instantly find that ribbon to hold in his fingers and comfort himself.  When he is handed Baby, Rusty grins and smashes his face into the stuffed animal.  If you try to take Rusty out of the crib and forget Baby, he will remind you … usually just with a look of longing back at the crib until you catch on.

On a very unusual night, Rusty got a solitary bath.  Usually the boys all get in the tub together – the main reason being that they all like baths and will not be denied the chance to splash in the tub!


Rusty is no exception.  He knows the sound of running tub water.  If the bathroom door is left open, he crawls right in and stands up by the tub, just waiting for someone to naked-fy him and put him in! (Bubbles are still fairly new to him and he’s slowly learning that they don’t taste good)


While his brothers were busy with other things during his bath, the cat was not.


Rusty has very rolly wrists.  He will stick both arms in the air and just roll his wrists round and round in circles.  He also has a very bouncy leg.  It is usually his right leg.  When he is in his high chair or being held or laying on the ground, he will bounce that leg all around.  In the tub, it makes nice little splashes.
