Month: February 2010

Anybody see any cute kids?

I do!   I get to see them every day! Here is Ricky’s Kindergarten picture, taken in late October. I took Billy and Rusty to a photographer for their birthday pictures a week or so ago.  I got a few poses of each, but I’ll only share a couple here. Billy and I went to church […]

Libdy Bell

Ricky brought me a piece of paper the other day very excited to tell me the story he’d written about the “Libdy Bell.”   I had to question him about the “Libdy Bell.”  He told me that they rang it so hard that it broke.  Ahh, I saw the light.  I told him that it was […]

A Birthday For Billy

Saturday night, we were sitting around and enjoying some pre-birthday pizza, when Billy was asked what he wanted for his birthday.  His answer took about ten minutes and most of it was about who knows what, but, the gist was that he wanted Samuel and Steamer and the Ghost Tunnel from GeoTrax.  There was no […]

David & Goliath

For family night this week, we taught the boys the story of David and Goliath.  They listened intently to the story of a little boy defeating a great big man.  Then they got really excited when I told them we were going to use sling shots just like David.  Okay, so ours weren’t just like […]

Birthday Doors

I like to decorate the boys’ bedroom door for their birthday.  I hope it makes them feel a little more special on their day.  Plus, it provides an easy photo op for documenting how they look on their birthday (or during their birthday week, since it is possible I forget on their actual birthday – […]