Month: May 2010

A Dad's Job

Yesterday, Ricky got to play at his friend’s house for a little while after school.  The mom, a good friend of mine, told her daughter to do something or she would “spank her butt.”  Ricky turned to my friend and laughed saying, “You can’t spank her!”  When my friend asked why, Ricky replied, “Only dads […]

Too much Turtles

After dinner tonight, Billy ran around swinging two little bead chains and yelling, “I have the power!  I have the power!” We asked him what power he had and Billy said, “The power to fight all the bad guys in Hooper!”


Who knew a piece of pizza could be so messy? The quality on this next one is poor, but it was a hurry-grab-the-camera-before-he-moves shot.   The boys all got Twinkies from Grandmama and Rusty does like to eat the cream filling first, but we’d never seen this before.  He somehow got the Twinkie draped over his […]

Robot Rampage

The boys watched a cartoon about robots running out of control on Friday.  We’ve heard almost nothing except “robots on the rampage!” and “I got the comote!”  (meaning remote controller) since then.  So when I had the chance on Saturday to pick up these pjs with robots all over them for less than $3 a […]