Month: September 2010

"Jackson's here!"

Yesterday afternoon, Ricky did a mad dash around the house after spying visitors in our driveway.  “Jackson’s here!  Jackson’s here!” he yelled.  Yup.  Jackson was here. Kevin’s brother David and his family stopped by for the evening.  They are visiting from Indiana.  The kids all played great together and got along.  Jackson turned 4 this […]

What did you say?

Ricky, tonight:  “Poppy, you’re so strong you could lift up a buffalo!” Billy, in the car to Grandmama’s (after seeing too many episodes of McLintock):   “Ha ha.  Very funny.  Joke’s over.” Ricky, while introducing his sidekick:  “S is for assistant!” Billy, while looking at a picture of me dressed up like a witch:  “Look, […]

A Talk with a Teacher

Ricky missed a couple of days of school last week.  He was sick.  And dramatic.  But that’s another post for another day. He was concerned about his homework.   I was able to slip over to his school just after classes got out on Friday and pick up his work.  I also got to gab with […]

And now what do I hear?

Yesterday’s miracle is over.  The puppy magic is gone.  Garfield isn’t as hypnotic, I suppose. Today I hear, “N-OOOOOOOOOO!” “Blah, blah, blah!” “N-OOOOOOOOOO!” “Blah, blah, blah!” That would be Rusty practicing his new favorite word, no, and Billy blah-blahing  him. It is loud but it is good to have things back to normal.

Hear that?

It is the sound of quiet!  Really.  That’s what it sounds like and I heard it today. Ricky stayed home from school, taking his turn with the yucks, and I’d been hearing a lot of whining.  Some from Ricky (he’s a horrible sick person), some from Rusty (Billy’s love can be overwhelming) and some from […]