Month: May 2011

End of First Grade

Ricky finished first grade last week. His report card was full of almost all of the highest marks they give.  He was rewarded for being one of the top readers in first grade.  He came home telling Billy how he can’t wait for him to be in first grade so that he can have Mrs. […]

Remembering Grandpa Chet

In honor of Memorial Day, we talked about Grandpa Chet a little bit.  I pulled out a picture book about him and told the boys a few stories.   They seemed somewhat bored.  There are a lot of black and white pictures in the book.  Ricky’s ears totally perked up though when I mentioned the Navy […]

An Ordinary Saturday

Other than it being awfully chilly for the last Saturday of May, yesterday was an ordinary Saturday.  The boys did ordinary things. Ricky complained about doing his 6 chores.  He did them and did them well…eventually. Billy was excited to do his chores and kept asking what was next.  He did his chores as well […]

Chocolate Fridays

My sister occasionally mentions how when she was a girl, Fridays were PBJ Days.  They always got peanut butter and jam on Fridays and that made the day special.  I had a different childhood and didn’t have PBJ Days, but I liked the idea.  One big problem … my eldest doesn’t like peanut butter and […]