
I had just finished singing a few lullabies to the three older boys the other night when Rusty told me that he was scared.  I didn’t really think he was scared … this has been a favorite tactic of all the boys lately to get out of things – cleaning the toy room (“Momma, I hear scary sounds!”) or picking up the living room (“Momma, we can feel somebody watching us!”) or going to bed (“Momma, I can’t sleep because I’m too scared!”).

To combat the sleeping one, Kevin and I generally tell the boys to say a little prayer and they’ll feel better.

So, I told Rusty that a little prayer would help if he wanted to say one.  He said, okay and then started his prayer,

“Heavenly Father, thank you for this food.  Please bless it … Momma, I don’t think I am saying it right!”

There you go.