Month: June 2013

Backyard Soccer

Spring season of Billy’s AYSO soccer started and ended.  Sadly the last game of the season was rained out. The most sad part was that Billy had finally gotten it.  He finally was getting into the game and the competitiveness of it.  He played 8 games last fall and it was the 5th game this […]

Tired Momma Solutions

We knew we were going to buy our new house quite a while before we actually got under contract and started the buying process.  This means that I’ve been packing and “getting ready to move” for months.   Some days I’ve just been tired.  Very, very tired.  Those days have resulted in a few too […]

Second Tooth

Billy’s second tooth fell out on April 12.  Actually, the more correct story is that Billy asked his kindergarten teacher to pull his very wiggly tooth out on April 12, but who’s worried about details?

The Ending of Naps

I hang on to nap time for as long as I can with my boys.  I LOVE nap time! Tommy is bucking the system though.  With our current move and business involved in that, I haven’t worried about naps with him and by 6:30 or 7:00 at night, it totally shows! This picture was taken […]