Ricky earned his Wolf Badge

I will be the first to admit that I don’t know a whole lot about the scouting program, especially the cub scouting program, but I am very aware of the fact that I have 5 boys and I’m going to become VERY well acquainted with it!


I can happily say that we made it to the first big mile-stone … Ricky passed off all his Wolf requirements and became a Bear Scout this last month.



(Don’t mind the big old Momma in the pictures – she was a week away from having a baby.  And don’t mind the fuzzy photography – camera phones aren’t always up to snuff.)

I was really pleased with all that Ricky did.  He tried a lot of new things and found some that he really enjoyed.  In addition to his badge, he earned 3 arrow heads which shows that he did at least 30 optional activities.  Ricky wasn’t a big fan of scouts in the beginning, but I think he is coming around.  Now to pull out the sewing machine and get his uniform updated!
