Year: 2013

First Visitors

Bobby’s first few days were full of visitors.  Some got pictures, some didn’t.   When we had Ricky, we asked all the visitors to say something about him and we either wrote it down or video taped it.   By the time you get to number 5, you just sit back and enjoy watching family […]

And there were 5

After months of knowing that they were going to have a new baby brother sometime after school started in the fall …   And weeks of asking when we’d be going to the hospital to get that new baby brother …   The four big boys finally got to meet Baby Bobby!  A couple of […]

Welcoming Robert Dodge Pendleton

We have a new star to add to the blog.  Please welcome, Bobby …   Last Wednesday, I received a thank you note in the mail.  Tommy confiscated it immediately – before I even had a chance to read it.  I asked him what it said.  Tommy told me that it said the baby was […]

Ricky earned his Wolf Badge

I will be the first to admit that I don’t know a whole lot about the scouting program, especially the cub scouting program, but I am very aware of the fact that I have 5 boys and I’m going to become VERY well acquainted with it! I can happily say that we made it to […]

Rusty starts preschool

One of Rusty’s countdowns finally hit zero … he got to start preschool!!!   He was up very early and got himself dressed in such a hurry that he had to come find Kevin and I … he’d put his head through his sleeve and couldn’t get it back out!   We had gone to […]