Year: 2013

Father’s Day 2013

At least if I slacked on a Mother’s Day blog, I treated Kevin just as fairly with a missed Father’s Day blog, too. I usually line the boys up and have have them hold the letters p-o-p-p-y for Kevin for Father’s Day.  I didn’t this year.  But not because I have been a slacker who […]

Rusty’s Face

Grandmama was a huge help during our moving process.  She would take the boys and let Kevin and I have some packing or moving time without having to parent.  We didn’t just appreciate it, the boys loved spending so much time with her. One of these days, Grandmama took the boys for a walk along […]

Bits of Cute

Somewhere, somehow Rusty picked up that another word for bathroom is “restroom.”  It is now his word of choice for that particular experience.  The rest of us might say, “I need to use the  … potty/bathroom/loo.”  For Rusty it is always the restroom.  Even if I say, “Rusty, do you need to use the bathroom?” […]

Memorial Day

I would never say that I’m happy my dad passed away, but I do try to find the positives in the situation.  Dad’s passing has allowed a lot of conversations with the boys about death and heaven.  And it gives a bit more meaning to Memorial Day.  We aren’t just wandering a cemetery looking at […]

Swimming Lessons

There aren’t a lot of activities that I intend to force my boys to do.  Piano and swimming, though, are two in which they have no option.  No choice.  They will do both for years and years and they must accept that. So far, only Ricky has begun piano.  Let’s just say he complains less […]