Year: 2013

Second Tooth

Billy’s second tooth fell out on April 12.  Actually, the more correct story is that Billy asked his kindergarten teacher to pull his very wiggly tooth out on April 12, but who’s worried about details?

The Ending of Naps

I hang on to nap time for as long as I can with my boys.  I LOVE nap time! Tommy is bucking the system though.  With our current move and business involved in that, I haven’t worried about naps with him and by 6:30 or 7:00 at night, it totally shows! This picture was taken […]

No New Posts for a While Still

We are mostly moved into our new house. We are under contract with a buyer for our old home. I don’t plan to ever move again … it is a serious pain.  Especially for this pregnant body. We don’t have the Internet at our new house yet.  And we won’t for another week, at least. […]

Blogging on Hold

I am afraid blogging is going to be in short supply for a couple more weeks.  I’m still trying to take some notes of funny stories and the occasional picture, but actually blogging just isn’t a priority right now. Priorities right now include the elementary Field Day that I (in a moment of temporary insanity) […]


Sometime in the last couple of weeks, Ricky must have had a lesson about saying prayers.  It wasn’t from us. Whoever had this lesson with him, must have talked about using correct prayer language and have given him some ideas.  He’s been using some, for lack of better phrase, “big person” words.  He’s been starting […]