Year: 2013

May Day

Rusty has been very into numbers lately.  He wants to know how many minutes until he gets to color a new page in the color-by-number book…how many days until Poppy’s birthday…what number it will be when he gets his next snack. So, we’ve talked a little about numbers and time and dates with him.  Not […]

Clean Face

My boys have never (and I fear WILL never) be known for their clean eating habits.  Try as I might, they are slobs.  They do seem to improve with age, but Tommy is still in the midst of slob-ville. After a dinner of semi-healthy things followed by a chocolate milk shake, Tommy went to the […]

Vegetable Attire

Billy has always been my child most interested in fashion.  He’s been more picky about his clothes for as long as he could talk.  Socks, in particular, have to be just right – he prefers character socks to boring plain white ones.  Give him Batman or Spiderman any day over Hanes. I make an effort […]

Seventh Place

Be it good or bad, our boys are competitive.  Not on the soccer field or even in the classroom, but with each other!  Races to get dressed, wash hands after dinner, get their seat belts on … they race and sometimes cry because they didn’t win. We are trying to work on this.  It is […]

Good-bye, Sally

Six and a half years ago, my brother and his wife sold us their Dodge Neon for a great price.  We were very grateful for the reliable car and Kevin drove it daily for years.   The Neon is bright blue and Ricky dubbed it “Sally” from the movie “Cars.”  She was no porche, like […]