Year: 2013

Squished to Death

A few weeks ago, Rusty and Tommy were playing near my feet and Tommy decided to lay on top of Rusty.  This is what Rusty thought of that, “Tommy, I’m not a bed!  Momma!  Tommy’s gonna make me die!” And, of course, I took a picture before telling Tommy to move. I’m good like that.

Random Blog Notes

I keep a note on my phone of various things the boys say or do that I think might be blog worthy.  Sometimes they get black-balled and other times I totally forget to check for something new.  And then there are the times when I take a blogging hiatus and just don’t blog anything at […]

Billy’s First Tooth

Billy lost his first tooth on February 4.  It had been pretty wiggly and he let his kindergarten teacher do the deed.  He tells us she is really good at pulling teeth and just flicked it out. I was excited for him to give the tooth to the Tooth Fairy.  Ricky has never really been […]

You’re Fired!

Billy and Rusty were downstairs playing superheroes one day this last week.  I’m not sure the details of their play.  I’m not sure an adult is actually capable of truly understanding their play, but I did understand when Billy said this to Rusty, who was playing Batman’s sidekick Robin, “Robin!  Don’t make me fire you. […]

Rusty Turned 4

Rusty turned four last month.  He was so excited to finally be having HIS birthday! He started his celebrations with some gifts from his brothers … And that led to giving hugs to say thank you … And thank you kisses … And that led to other random cute hugging … Rusty weighed in at […]