Year: 2013

A Bit TOO Observant

Rusty has his little stuffed animal that he has always called his “Baby.” The other day I noticed him holding his Baby.  Rusty then lifted up his shirt, pressed Baby to his chest, and started making sucking noises. I asked him what he was doing and Rusty said, “Baby is getting some of my milk.” […]

A First Look

We had family pictures done last week.  I love having so much fodder for using on the blog!  Here is just a first peek, but you can expect to see many more and a new blog header soon.        

Things I Hear

As the wife and momma to all these men, I hear lots of things every day.  Some of them make me cringe but a lot of them just make me giggle … I heard Rusty say as we drove by an LDS Temple:  “I see that golden guy!” I heard Ricky scream as Kevin attempted […]

Hospital Pictures

Newborn baby pictures taken at the hospital have come a LONG way since Kevin and I were babies.  We got a single pose and pretty much all babies looked the same in the pictures. Perhaps I will do a blog post with mine and Kevin’s pictures as well as all the boys’ pictures, but since […]

Home from the Hospital

It is always fun dressing a floppy newborn for the first time …   After 2 days in the hospital bed, I was ready to get home to my comfy couch!   We were all ready to go … and then we had to wait.  And wait.  And wait some more.  I had been discharged […]