Month: April 2014

Out Numbered

I took Rusty and Tommy with me on a couple of errands this afternoon.  One of our stops was the hardware store where I needed to buy some 2×4’s. I needed my boards cut and the very helpful dude was great, but slow, so the boys and I were wandering around the store.  As we […]

Is that Bobby?

At church today, our friends in the pew in front of us swiped Bobby and were playing with him.  Apparently, Tommy missed this exchange. Bobby had been with our friends for a few minutes when Tommy came over to Kevin.  He looked incredibly confused and, with lowered eyebrows, Tommy pointed to the baby in front […]


We have a rule at our house about not singing at the kitchen table.  We just find it impolite to sing during mealtime unless it is the Happy Birthday song. The boys may have taken this house rule to the extreme. This morning I heard Rusty singing a song from the movie “Frozen.”  He was […]

Spring Break 2

Kevin took an afternoon off and we went exploring on Antelope Island for the Friday of Spring Break.  We’ve been out there before, but there is always something new to see. As we drove across the lake, Tommy asked if we were going to the beach.  So we decided to go to the beach. It […]

Spring Break 1

The boys had Spring Break at the beginning of the month.  It started out pretty mellow.  The four younger boys had all been sick the week before and Ricky had been fine.  I predicted that he would wait until the school vacation to take his turn.  Sadly, I was right. But he did a lot […]