Month: June 2014

Haircut for Bobby

Bobby’s hair was getting a little long on top, so I gave him a quick trim about a month ago.  Not a full-out haircut, just a little off the top and sides. He didn’t exactly hold very still. And the comb only distracted him for so long. And I probably took off way more than […]


One evening after dinner, Ricky asked if we were having dessert. I told him we were not. Ricky then started to explain to us that “two years ago President Obama and his wife made it so there is hardly any desserts at school, so basically nobody really likes the president at my school.” There you […]


Here are a few bits of miscellany … Rusty giving Tommy a horsey ride cracks me up. I could just eat up this little guy.  He’s just so fun and so cute! Earning the reward of playing with the new-fangled racetrack makes my boys very happy! “Momma!  Check out this huge strawberry!  Take our picture!” […]